Frequently Asked Questions

Bells & Whistles is an add-in for Microsoft Office Outlook designed to help you improve your Outlook productivity by automating various actions. This Frequently Asked Questions section was composed using the most popular questions that our users asked us over time.
To allow you to configure different automatic actions for different cases, Bells & Whistles is designed to use profiles that apply different settings depending on your recipients. For example, you can configure the generic “everyone” profile so it always inserts a greeting to emails, but you can have a special case (defined by a new profile) that will cause Bells & Whistles not to include the greeting text if the email is sent to certain recipients.
If you don’t wish to setup multiple profiles, simply apply the desired options on the “everyone” profile and that’s it: Bells & Whistles will apply your settings to all emails.
In order to let Bells & Whistles to auto-confirm Outlook security messages, you have to enable the “Auto-confirm Outlook security warning messages” option available in the Bells & Whistles Options window, on the Outlook Tweaks tab.
The “Send Again” and “Edit & Send Again” options are available ONLY in the Sent Items email folder, by right clicking on the email message that you wish to edit/send again. You can also use the Send Again / Edit & Send Again buttons displayed on the Bells & Whistles toolbar (when viewing the Sent Items folder).
In order to enable the missing file attachment alert, you have to go to the Bells & Whistles Options menu -> Alerts -> enable the option “Alert on missing attachments”.
Text templates are designed to work on the local machine only. You can not change their location, but you can let them be used by anyone else by copying the options.dat file (located in the C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\DS Development\BW folder) to other computers. Please note that this file contains ALL Bells & Whistles options, not just the text templates.
If you enabled an automatic action but it doesn’t get applied to certain emails, please make sure your recipients’ email addresses are not being filtered out by your profile setup.
We always fix such errors as soon as possible. Please make sure you are using the very latest version of Bells & Whistles. If the problem persists, please contact us using the “Contact Service Support” option available from the Bells & Whistles toolbar.
You can disable the popup window by simply marking the option “Don’t show this message again” available at the bottom of that window. Please note that, by disabling this feature, Bells & Whistles will NOT know how to apply your automatic tasks on new or forward emails.
If you are using Microsoft Outlook 2000 or 2003, please make sure you are NOT using Microsoft Word as your email editor. You can change this option (and use the Outlook internal email editor) from the Outlook Options window -> Mail Settings.
The latest Bells & Whistles version is listed on the product page. You can always check for updates by using the updates button available from your main Bells & Whistles toolbar.

Service Support Forum
Please use the support forum to ask questions or simply see how other users solved similar problems.

Request Assistance
We always welcome and encourage you to contact us and ask for personal assistance.