Serving programming services worldwide since 1998.
Since 1998, when we’ve started to offer our programming services, our company completed hundreds of programming projects, large or small, complex or simple. We believe we have the knowledge and manpower to fulfill any custom programming requirements, be it a Windows or Mac OS program, a web application or an Android or iOS app.
From the Facebook SDK to PGP encryption, from XCode on Mac to the Google Android SDK, from MAPI Outlook add-ins to iOS, from SQL to PDF SDKs, from WordPress plugins to ActiveX libraries, you name it and most likely we’ve been there. Maybe we haven’t seen it all, but we surely have seen a lot in over 15 years of serving programming services.It makes absolutely no sense to list our programming services or knowledge, as the list would simply be too big to be meaningful for your specific needs.
So, if you are looking for high quality programming services, just drop us a line at We will respond within 24 hours.
As we also benefit from many years of experience in producing & selling our own software products, we fully understand the specific design and programming requirements of a user-centric software project.

Office Address
DS Development SRL
68 Basarabia Blvd
Plaza Trading Center
Bucharest, Romania
VAT ID: RO 10741680
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